> Part of the point of web standards in general is that the user and
> user agent have final control of the layout, not the designer. So if
> the page is too wide on a 21 inch monitor, why not reduce the window
> size?

Two questions - then what are designers for? Maybe just throw the info and leave
all the rest for the users to control? Paint it yourself style of web.

And the second one: why do you assume users WANT control? I want to
get info, not to fiddle with my browser's window size. To quotes Steve
Krug (or his wife): "If something is hard to use I just don't use it
as much".

Sure, web is not print, but our eyes are still the same, and the same
rules apply (at least regarding line length).

So if fixed width is absolute no-no, then there is a good compromise -
elastic layout.

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