I must assume that you are trying to get the background colors to stretch down to the bottom of the main content?

In this situation I usually add something like this below the content to force those wrappers down.

<div style="clear:both;height:0px;">&nbsp;</div>

That forces the wrappers down below the floats.

Good Luck,
Joseph R. B. Taylor

Jeroen Verburgh wrote:


I'm building a website with two floating DIVs. In IE6 this design appears to
work okay. In Mozilla (Firefox 1.0.7) however, the wrapper DIVs
(#pagewrapper and #page) don't resize to accomodate the UL's content.

I've added a number of "<p>Pagina in aanbouw.</p>" to see if this problem
was limited to the UL. The result of this change is that the DIVs have
streched to accomodate the UL which leads me to the conclusion that these
wrapper DIVs will only strech to accomodate the smallest element inside

This is the basic structure of the code with the problem:

<div id="pagewrapper">
 <div id="page">

   <div class="menu">

   <div class="content">
     <p>Here be content.</p>


CSS sourcefile:

XHTML sourcefile:

XHTML 1.0 Strict:

Thanks for your help.


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