I thought it was not possible, since flash is suppose to be rendered outside the browser and place on top by the OS
at least for windows anyway.

I use flash some times and am not dead against it, I viewed you example in disbelief not expecting it to work

I did in IE.

I think it would in FF, but I have flash blocker install (I don't like flash always)

It also did in Opera too

Having said that its a really Bad idea to progress and use it in a site. I expect your going to get alarmed responses to this post

Buzy backgrounds make text hard to read. simple fact.

Movement is buzy. The question this post also raises in when is it time to tell the client that they are asking for something that is
detremental to the site overall.

heres a list of people I consider when making a site

   1. The User
   2. Site Owner
   3. Site Maintainer

anyway it was interesting, off the wall aswell,

atb - S

Jon Dawson wrote:

Hello all,

I read recently that it wasn't possible to have flash backgrounds so I thought I'd give it a go. Turns out it is possible but it won't work in Opera and I'm curious as to why it won't.


Any ideas?


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