On 9/26/05, sam sherlock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Just to put the cat amongst the peigons - some of the points raised are
valid IMHO.

Regardless of whether he has valid points or not, I think he is wrong from the start. Talk like this is part of the problem, not the solution. He's leading people who don't know about web design astray. They see this stuff and think zealots like me are wrong about standards. And that's all this guy is trying to do, undermine standards.

I know some designers go overboard with CSS, and make it look bad, with hacks and multiply stylesheets and such... I'm an advocate of simplifying the design before hacking CSS... but sometimes it's a necessary evil. The blame should be on the browser manufacturers for not following standards, not on designers for following them. Even with CSS hacks and _javascript_ techniques, we are still better off than we were with tables and spacer gifs.

Regardless of the issues, I know what it's like to encounter people like this. I have a classmate who attacked me out of the blue for my disdain of table layouts. Knowing that our web design class teaches standards, and that the upcoming week of lectures would cover CSS - positioning, I simply responded with "Make sure you pay attention next week in class." The whole thing was very uncalled for, and the Teaching Assistant had to pull him away.

Moral of the story: with people like this, you just have to point to the industry move towards standards and say, "Make sure you pay attention."

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