I'm not going to the WE05, I just have too many things in the fire right
now. However, I would highly recommend everyone try to attend these
conferences. Even if you have to pay for it out of your own pocket, go.

You will meet new people, learn new techniques, network, eat convention
food, network, meet new people, and most importantly get inspired to do new

I've attended a ton of conferences from @media to the School for Scanning to
Museums on the Web to the most recent: Business Blog Summit. I have always
learned new things. I've traveled to London, Vancouver, Boston, Seattle, Los
Angeles, San Francisco, and more. I've sat in conference rooms inside
convention centers, hotels, and the Getty. Every convention has been worth
it, even if I can only manage getting into the trade show.

Recently, I went to the business blog summit in San Francisco to learn more
about RSS. During the first seminar, I met a guy from Toshiba who invited me
to a mailing list about business to business blogs. 

Sounds innocent enough you may say.  After posting a few comments on the
blog I get an invitation to submit a resume to (I don't want to dooce
anything, so lets just say it's one of the top 5 internet companies
worldwide).  A few weeks later ... I'm in Silicon Valley interviewing with
this company! 

Yes folks, go to these conferences, meet people, interact, engage in
conversations, grab cool t-shirts and make new friends. Before you know it,
I may be the one inviting you to join this company.  (Yes, I was hired and
start in two weeks :)  )

By the way, this list has been great. Much kudos to Patrick and Thierry for
helping me with javascript programming. 

www.tdrake.net **
The discussion list for  http://webstandardsgroup.org/

 See http://webstandardsgroup.org/mail/guidelines.cfm
 for some hints on posting to the list & getting help

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