Mugur Padurean wrote:
> As an added note to Linux fonts:
> It may be useful for some of you guys to know that on some major Linux
> distros ( Fedora, Debian, Slackware) in all browsers available through
> the KDE or Gnome fonts appear to be rendered slightly bigger than on
> WIN. Up to 5 % bigger.
> Even if you "import" fonts from Windows ( Arial for example ) they will
> appear bigger.
> I haven't tested for the exact percentages but still ...
> I've checked this with two "identical" PC side by side and it's there.
> Anyone else seen this ?
> I'm really curious if any of you have more info on this.

I think if you digest and you'll find represented the
behavior you've described. Linux simply does not have the same fonts as
doze, unless you've imported doze fonts, or installed the mswbfnts
package. Until and unless you do, you cannot expect "the same" fonts to
render the same, since they aren't really the same. In the many tests I
have done comparing doze to Linux, the exact same ttf fonts when not
anti-aliased do produce the same letterforms at the same size on both
platforms. What I do notice though is the leading usually is ever so
slightly different.

One other possibility is you're comparing fonts sized in pt. This is
invalid unless you're using the exact same DPI on all systems compared.
Matching DPI with doze is not something you get by accident. Doze
defaults to 96 DPI, and often is 120 on laptops. Linux is almost never
either 96 or 120 unless explicitly set to be that way. More commonly it
is 75, 90, or 100 DPI. can be used for pt
size comparisons if you have matched DPI.

If you are trying to run xft/gtk2 Gecko builds on a system lacking
xft/gtk2 support you also can expect bad behavior.
"Be quick to listen, slow to speak."                James 1:19 NIV

 Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409

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