I did an experiment with the full height thing about a year ago. I was absolutely baffled but what I found out, is if you leave out the doctype, full height will work in IE. But does not work with a doctype. Obviously because the browser has kicked into the dtd's mode.

You can see the final product of the site I built for a few banks. Here's one: http://www.firstgaston.com

Take a look at the code and steal whatever you think you can use. I ended up using a table to get things done correctly.


Tom Livingston wrote:

On Tue, 04 Oct 2005 18:18:15 -0400, Jan Brasna <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Umm, is this related to Jello exclusively?


However, I managed to get the designer to go another direction with reguards to full height. But full height using Jello Mold is tricky because one of the key structural elements must have a height of 0 within a Holly Hack for IEWin. Traditionally, the hack is used with height:1% (for hasLayout I believe) but anything other than 0 breaks this layout in IEWIN.

I emailed Mike Purvis, author of Jello Mold. He got full height working in most browsers, but the test he sent me breaks in IEWin, probably because of the above. If I catch wind of it working cross-browser, I'll repost.

Thanks everyone.

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