On Oct 5, 2005, at 3:06 AM, Donna Maurer wrote:

The challenge was:
* three columns of content
* no guarantee which would be longer
* vertical lines between them
* a footer that spanned the full width of the screen

As part of the decision, he was discussing whether he would use absolute positioning or floats for the columns. I remember him saying that he couldn't use absolute
positioning because he wouldn't know which column was longest.
I understand this is hard because you don't know which column to use as a reference for the footer positioning. But couldn't you wrap the three columns in an relatively positioned div and position the footer relative the the whole thing?

The problem is that absolutely positioned elements are removed from the flow. They "take up no space" as far as the rest of the page is concerned, and so that relatively positioned wrapper div you invoke would only be as tall as the tallest non-absolutely-positioned element it contains. Then your footer would be positioned at the bottom of that, with the absolutely positioned elements flowing over (or under) it.


    Ben Curtis : webwright
    bivia : a personal web studio
    v: (818) 507-6613

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