On 12 Oct 2005, at 1:00 pm, Gunlaug Sørtun wrote:

Philippe Wittenbergh wrote:
?? margin seems to work perfectly fine here. Both on Firefox 1.6a1 nightly trunk build and Firefox 1.5beta 2 <http:dev.l-c-n.com/_temp/after.php> (the word blah in a grey box
after each paragraph, and the word 'the End' as body:after)

Working at my end too - once I got my gray cells cranked up.
- FF need 'display: block' since it doesn't get 'block' through 'AP'.

It works with inline elements as well :-); but vertical margins won't affect the flow.

Now, how do one add an empty 'alt-attr' to an image introduced as
'content'. The reason for asking is that Opera show "image" when images
are off and during slow loading, and that's not quite good enough.

I don't think it is possible with the current CSS 2.1 syntax. IIRC, there has been some discussion about this on www-style, without any conclusion so far. More like a 'feature request'. Probably something for CSS 3.

Philippe Wittenbergh

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