Gene Falck wrote:

>> >
> Shows the domain and most of the path as being the
> same as your reference indicating that they both
> come from the same source. If online copies aren't
> OK, why is O'Reilly putting out an online copy?

The URLs above match because they're from the same place - not because they're in any way authoritative.

That IP address is for a server called which appears to be in Switzerland.

> I understand if a publisher doesn't give freebees
> or only offers a chapter as a sample, but they can
> not expect me to believe their own online copy is
> illegal -- or can they be that silly?
No, they're not. The presence of a few logos does not mean it's an O'Reilly site. Their URL is which has an IP address of 208.201239.37

Make no assumptions, accept no substitutes  ;-)



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