I'm compelled to reply to this simply to give it a bump.... truer words
were never spoken.

kind regards
Terrence Wood.

> We web developers are the only people who will view a site across multiple
> browsers simultaneously. Most other visitors will hit it with their
> favourite browser and they won't know that their is a 3px gap in some
> other
> browser. The answer here is to be cool, stay smooth and let go of the per
> pixel mentality or it will drive us nuts.
> I remember Russ (I think) once said he had some visitors to a site using
> Some Ancient Piece of Cruft 4.x and they got a plain vanilla site. To them
> it worked perfectly and they didn't care (or know) that there was a
> completely different layout in a browser they had never heard of.
> The only exception to the rule is if the bug breaks the layout in a major
> way so that the content becomes inedible to our users (ermmm peers). Then
> it
> definitely needs to be fixed.
> Cheers
> James

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