On 25 Oct 2005, at 11:11 am, Ben Wrighton - StraightForward wrote:

After some testing I isolated the float: right; ( to make content 1st in source) and display: inline (which is in there for IE 's double margin bug and will be placed in a IE specific stylesheet in due course) styles as causing the issue. Float: right is the main culprit.

Which leads to the topic of this post.
'Is position:absolute legal (or advisable) in a floated div?'

Yes, it is completely valid to have an absolute positioned element within a floated block that acts as a containing block. Some older browsers have problems with this, like Netscape 7. You'd have to add an additional wrapper inside your floated block to please those old boys. Like this
<div style=float:right>
        <div style=position: relative>
        <p style=position:absolute>

Philippe Wittenbergh

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