Hi Kenny,

Yes, that makes perfect sense. So, for example, if I want to put a single
word into a table cell - e.g. <TH>Category</TH> - for it to be semantically
correct, should it be wrapped in <P> tags? It's hardly a paragraph and
contains no other inline elements.

But if I were to use - e.g. <TH>Select a <b>category</b>.</TH> - then I
imagine <P> tags would make sense.

What I'm really asking is what, from an accessibility poont of view, is the
XHTML strict markup for this?

-----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of Kenny Graham

The content of a table cell should only be in a paragraph element if the
content of that cell is a paragraph.

> Should be a simple enough question but should text within a table cell 
> ALWAYS be surrounded by <P> tags, or do we assume the <TD> to be the 
> block element surrounding the inline text?

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