I always make sure everything works on every device, my point is that you have to start someplace when checking across devices.

I would hope that we can rely on at least one piece of software on the planet to respond correctly to our code. We're well aware of which don't.

Al Sparber wrote:

From: "Joseph R. B. Taylor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <wsg@webstandardsgroup.org>
Sent: Saturday, October 29, 2005 8:58 PM
Subject: [WSG] Which browser is most stanard compliant?

In response to some of the opinions generated by my "Firefox first, others later" way of testing my pages, it brings up the question of which browser is closest to rendering my code the way it SHOULD look? I was under the impression that Firefox was as accurate as available today.

If gecko is out of date, which is best?

Gecko is certainly not out of date :-) Firefox and the latest Opera versions are pretty close. You might want to reconsider your "Firefox first, others later" philosophy, unless you just make personal sites. While we love standards and we think Firefox and Opera are the cat's pajama's, we tend to give prioroty to ensuring that pages work in the world's most popular browser. We find it easier, too. The secret is knowing IE's limitations before putting pen to paper. It's a heck of a lot easier than making a masterpiece that tests in Firefox only to discover it is a total mess in IE.

It's just my opinion, so I respectfully request the audience not throw any tomatoes my way.

Al Sparber

"Designing with CSS is sometimes like barreling down a crumbling mountain road at 90 miles per hour secure in the knowledge that repairs are scheduled for next Tuesday".

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