

This has made my CSS file nearly 10kb large and consists of
nearly 600 rows of CSS code. Is this a problem in general?


Are there any
issues regarding large CSS files? Any recomendations for CSS file sizes
both in KB and rows.
When hitting 40 KB I think it's time to figure out if the CSS also is overly complex. Such CSS also use to be hard to develop and maintain across different browsers.

If you strip whitespace and (more important) use server-side compression the filesize shrinks a lot. My latest main stylesheet is 8kb, stripped and compressed it's less than 2kb that's actually sent!!

should avoid underscore and mixing small (lower case) and large letters
Mixing lower/uppercase enhances readability, just remember to write it the same way everywhere, class names and ID's are case sensitive. I tend to prefer hyphens, like #btn-save

Underscores can cause some trouble, better avoid them. (hyphens are OK)

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