Only supported in IE 6 with a hack, kind of an ugly one too as it renders the PNG's transparent area with a mid gray until it has finished loading, I guess if it's on a small image it's ok.

I've had a lot of luck with "PNG Behavior":

It's an .htc, which you may have to configure your server to deliver properly. You assign the behavior to the img elements via your CSS rules. Handles src changes to/from other pngs or non-pngs. (This only works with actual img tags; if you want to affect pngs as your background-image, then you should apply the filter directly in your CSS, and my advice is to make the image the same size as the container it's backgrounding.)

I've hacked this a bit, so that the img is visibility:hidden; until the htc loads/runs, avoiding the ghostly gray-background issues. The trick is that you must only do this if JS is running, otherwise you might wind up with a site with no images. (The hack is testing right now -- NRFPT.)


    Ben Curtis : webwright
    bivia : a personal web studio
    v: (818) 507-6613

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