> Sorry if this has been commented on in this forum:
> http://chronicle.com/free/2005/11/2005111602t.htm
> 10 Million 7.5in small screens, pretty sure that will change the face of
> the browser market.

Thanks for the link.

I see 12 in laptops at school everyday, students who don't want to
carry around a big 15 or 17 in laptop, and especially girls with
stunted growth who prefer laptops tailored to their size (this is not
a joke, they have told me this). Most of them use 800x600, and for
them these fancy new 1024 fixed layouts are not useful. I need to find
sales information for these tiny laptops, almost every manufacturer
has them. That would be an even better argument.

C Montoya
christianmontoya.com ... rdpdesign.com ... cssliquid.com
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