Hi Richard

Thanks for your phone call.

The Rapid Weaver software is at:
It costs $40- (presumably US$). I didn't realise that, but it looks like the download is a demo version. If we like it, we can pay for it in January, maybe.

I am downloading it, and will play with it early next year.

I am very excited about the Freedom of Information project.

My contact details are below:
Jonathan O'Donnell
+61 4 2575 5829

On 04/11/2005, at 1:37 PM, Christian Montoya wrote:

Has anyone used this before:

I stumbled across it today (was compulsively checking source of some
site and found a comment that said "produced by RapidWeaver"... and
the markup was relatively clean, so I googled it), seems... not too
bad for a WYSIWYGish app, in terms of code and whatever. Although it
looks like it's just meant to publish stuff, rather than create
styles. Still, in that role it could potentially be useful in lieu of
a standards-compliant web-based WYSIWYG editor for clients.

Obviously the platform (Mac OS X) restricts application somewhat. :-(

I'm interested to hear if anyone's encountered/had any dealings with it, though.

The site showcase (
http://realmacsoftware.com/rapidweaver/rwshowcase/index.php ) is a
pretty good indicator... most of the sites have 0 errors. It throws in
a few extra br's and span's, and some sites lack a doctype, but
otherwise it's clean. Looks like a neat tool.

C Montoya
rdpdesign.com ... liquid.rdpdesign.com ... montoya.rdpdesign.com
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