Jack Saat said:
>  Please help me out.

Hi Jack,

It is quite common to end up with designs that work in one browser but not
the other when starting out developing with web standards.

I haven't got access to your page with FF at the moment so I can't often
any advice on the specific problems you may have with your page. However,
I would like to offer some advice on how to approach developing with web
standards - it may save a lot of headaches.

1. Work up your design in a standards compliant browser first (i.e. not
IE). Any browser released in the last couple of years will be fine. I
personally use FF because of it's extension archecture (web developers
toolbar is indespensible), with the occasional check in Opera, and Safari
as I go along. This ensures my design works in the 3 major (standards
compliant) rendering engines: Moz/Ghecko, Opera and Webkit/KHTML.

2. 'Fix' the design for browsers that have patchy standards support but
you must accomodate (i.e. IE6, IE5.5, and any others *if* you know they
form part of your target audience).

Personally, I don't create CSS for v4 browsers, NN<7, Opera<7. These
browsers get raw html, or occasionally just a basic stylesheet with some
color's but no positioning, or the CSS but no debugging (reason is these
browsers are all optional installations and most people will upgrade
them). I don't specifically support Mac IE5 unless the CSS required to
support it is quick and easy to implement.

3. Keep hacks and workarounds together where possible. Some people suggest
that you shouldn't use hacks, but I've found they can't really be avoided.
I try to group any rendering fixes at the end of my CSS files - that way
they are easy to find and edit and it ensures that the rest of my CSS is
clean and compliant. I use the * html hack, or conditional comments to
deliver CSS to IE.


kind regards
Terrence Wood.

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