There are two magazines out of the UK that sometimes offer tutorials
that you can use in the classrom. One is called WebDesigner and the
other is called Practical Web Projects

If you want to teach web design from a standards perspective, there are
three books listed in the right hand column of my blog at, along with other books that I singled
out from Amazon that might be useful to you. One is Jeffrey Zeldman's
"Designing with Web Standards."

I also recommend starting to look into Open Source products, like Typo3,
Mambo and other Open Source Content Management systems.

Web designers need to learn how to design around open source module

For example, Movable Type, Wordpress and other blog systems are all open
source CMS tools. A web designer is going to need to think about how to
create templates based on the functionality of these CMS systems. The
ones I mentioned are php/mySql, but there are other that are Java, ASP
and JSP as well.

A good resource to get open source CMS tools is

I have yet to find a book that teaches you how to actually think about
design, fontography and layout, then bring you into HTML production,
then bring you along into database integration. Since all these methods
are disparate from each other, but depend on each other, most books
usually focus on how to's rather than to think creatively.

Maybe I'm wrong, I don't know, but believe me, I've been looking.

In the local Barnes & Noble, there have been many books published that
you can find in the Graphic Design section, which showcase high end web
design. That may also be a place to look as well.

Tony Z.

Laura Carlson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 11/26/2005, 01:04:35 AM:
> > I've been asked if there are useful university-focused
> > textbooks or other resources suitable for teaching
> > accessible web design.
> As Lloyd and Matthew mentioned Joe Clark's "Building Accessible 
> Websites", New Riders Publishing, 2002 is well worth considering.
> I have been using it for the web accessibility classes that I teach. 
> The Clark book does not assume the reader understands the basics of web 
> accessibility. I specifically chose it because of that and because it 
> goes beyond simply repeating the "party line" from the World Wide Web 
> Consortium (W3C) or Section 508. That is one of the purposes of the 
> classes - to not just read the specifications, but actively engage 
> them. Challenge, dissect, understand, and learn what makes the most 
> sense. Also Joe put the whole book online[1] so if students don't want 
> to purchase it for the class they don't have too.  However, the soft 
> cover version of the online book has screen shots and images. The 
> online version does not.
> The Web Design Reference [2] is a huge online mega-reference (over 
> 3,000 links) of information and articles about web design and 
> development that you might find useful. It has a full section on books 
> [3] as well as online resources (accessibility, CSS, usability, web 
> standards, and many related topics are covered).
> You might also find the Web Design Update Newsletter [4] helpful. It is 
> a plain text email digest that typically goes out once a week as an 
> adjunct to the site.
> All the Best,
> Laura
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> [4]
> ___________________________________________
> Laura L. Carlson
> Information Technology Systems and Services
> University of Minnesota Duluth
> Duluth, MN  55812-3009
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