Terrence Wood wrote:
Lachlan Hunt said:
In SGML, the comment syntax is as follows:

I believe your original comment was that it was invalid HTML. While
similar, the SGML rule differs from HTML in it's treatment of whitespace,

There is no formal difference between HTML4 and SGML comments, as HTML is an application of SGML which follows SGML rules. On the practical side of things, however, browsers will handle various forms of invalid comments in various ways, but that doesn't make them any less invalid, nor alter the formal HTML comment syntax.

and the example you provided is, in fact, invalid HTML.

Note that I broke the comment onto multiple lines in order to explain each component clearly, and I did mention that whitespace could not follow the MDO and that only whitespace could occur between comments. I thought it was clear that the notes in parenthesis were just that, and not actually part of the comment.

The recommendation[1]

That part of the rec should be treated as being informative, rather than normative.

goes on to say authors should avoid multiple hyphens together in comments, however mulitple hyphens do not invalidate the document (otherwise, I presume, the recommendation would read MUST avoid multiple hyphens, and the validators would flag multiple occurances of them).

It says *should* because it still uses SGML comment syntax, but authors should avoid using it because a) browser support is limited (and was much more limited at the time of writing) and b) most authors are unlikely to understand the SGML comment syntax, and it's advisable for authors to simply avoid strings of hyphens, rather than worry about all the technical details. If it said *must*, then that would not comply with SGML rules.

<!-- this is ---- a valid -- -- comment declaration -->
<!-- this -- is not -- valid -->

Run those through the validator to confirm that, if you like.

[1] http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/intro/sgmltut.html#h-3.2.4

Lachlan Hunt

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