Stuart Sherwood wrote:
I think I have come up with a more elegant solution now.

There is only one menu with each link formatted like this:

<li><a id="Home" title="Home" href="index.jsp"><br />Home</a></li>
The br pushes the text under the header so it isn't visable to regular
users but accessable when images are turned off.

In that case, just use

a { padding-top: 1.2em; height: 0; }

(leave overflow: visible;, or it won't be visible without images)

Then make sure the header image does cover up the text. There's no need to pollute the markup with unnecessary presentational uses for elements. You may run into some trouble in IE with that because of the way it treats 'height' somewhat like 'min-height', but you should be able to get it to work.

Lachlan Hunt

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