Hi Mark,

First of all it looks like you are resizing your images using the width and height attributes on the img tag. If those dimensions do not match the ones on the image then your images wind up being pixelated (like they are on the logo).

A quick scan of your code, replace your <b> tags with <strong>, change your <br> tags like <br /> to close them, same with the image tags <img src="/whatever"> becomes <img src="/whatever" />

Get rid of any align attributes. You also need to specifiy a doctype etc, that's why the page won't be getting anywhere if your checking it in the W3C validator.

From a design point of view, bring the font size in the left hand column navigation up a bit, it should be quite important, I'd also make that nav column match the width of the logo, bring the headers "gifts for the holidays" and "tea talks" up to match the top of the navigation box, if you do those three things it will square the page up a bit more and make it look more attractive.


Mark Arnold wrote:


I have been lurking in the group for some time and have been humbled by the collective wisdom present here. I am hobbyist (security network/academic type by trade) trying to get up to speed on webstandards to help redesign a few non-profit orgs that I am associated with.

Actually the site I need input on is not so much a non-profit but a small business that my future mother-in-law runs.
here is the address of the old site:


The current redesign and css file:


I'm having a lot of problems with margins and incorporating other dimensional concepts into the site.
I welcome all comments. Thx


617-259-6124 (m)
617-249-1539 fax

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