Text browsers: there are a few like links that are exeptions to this

Normal browsers with Javascript turned off. You might be surprises how
many people do that. Internet Explorer has a serious JS vulnerability so
it would make sense for those users to turn it off.

Search Engines

Rendering engines in email clients. I would assume that most have it
turned off by default. An exception might be Outlook as it has a pretty
low security level.

Any other robot crawling your site for some reason or another.

Depending one the situation - a particular peice of javascript might
cause issues with some browsers. Particularly people using things like

As far as mobile devices are conserned - most of them do not. Trying to
implement javascript in a mobile device is quite difficult. There are
some though that are working on it. I don't know if there in use though.

Alan Trick

On Wed, 2005-11-30 at 12:44 +1100, Herrod, Lisa wrote:
> can anyone point me to an up to date list of browsers and devices that
> either do not support Javascript or whose functionality is impeded by
> JS? 

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