Lachlan Hunt wrote:
Try this in IE:

Oops, that's served as application/xhtml+xml, so it won't work. Here's the same article as text/html:

One other thing that doesn't seem to be mentioned in that particular article is that if you use the <?xml?> declartion (or, in fact, anything before the DOCTYPE), then it will trigger quirks mode in IE6 and below. IE7 will fix that particular bug, but still won't support XHTML properly.

Right... rather than jumping to conclusions I was just wanting to make sure you were telling a beginner at html/css that "IE does not support XHTML" because of relatively minor things like http headers and xml declarations.

I'm a bit of a standards nazi, don't get me wrong, but I think you're misleading Lori. I mean no one goes around saying Firefox doesn't support HTML and CSS because it doesn't pass the Acid test or implement soft-hyphens[1]

As a community we shouldn't stop demanding more compatibility, but your statement doesn't seem measured to me.


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