
I'm going to take your much appreciated response one bit at a time.

By doing as you suggested, I lose the point of having used the JS in the first place.

(For the purposes of this discussion, let's assume that having the copyright notices reflect the current year is a desired thing).
With the JS all copyright notices are automaticaly updated when the year changes, with your method I would have to go back to each site and manualy change them.
This is sort of the contrary to one of the reasons for seperating structure from presentation in the "why CSS is good"  argument.


This one all alone on the page, with no linked JS in the <head>:

<div id="copy">

<script type="text/_javascript_">

var d=new Date();


if (yr!=2003)

document.write("&copy; "+yr);

</script>&nbsp;Cedar Tree Books


<p id="copy">© 2005 Cedar Tree Books</p>

No script (or entity reference) required.

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