just want to say *thanks* you guys came through and fast!

my situation is working for an agency that wants/needs to italicize everything and their sister. i have been using the "i". i've also been writing in html4.01 and actually plan on staying there. But, for a drill i made a xhtml1.0 strict and it validated with the "i". I actually thought it probably was deprecated and someone else asked me about it and that made me look into it more.

i didn't know what to make of the fact that the validator validated it but i also know that the validator doesn't pick up all "best practices", e.g. not putting dimensions on one's images isn't picked up (and we all know that's a good idea).

at any rate, in my circumstances i think it makes sense to use the "i" versus adding a whole span bit to the code. That doesn't mean i don't also need to think about should it really be "em" .... and stay aware of that.

also, really neat to get clear on the html4.01 specs following through in to xhtml 1.0.

anyway, thanks again!


Donna Jones wrote:

okay, hi everyone:  a short question, i intend it to be, at least.

is "i" (italic) deprecated in xhtml? and even better, could someone point me to a w3c page that talks about what is deprecated in xhtml?

and, second part of that, why does the validator validate it if it is deprecated.

many thanks

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