
On 12/12/05, Bob Schwartz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I'm not trying to center, the issue is height and more correctly
height which expands to fit content of nested divs and probably even
more correctly a box with columns in it which expands all columns to
be equal in height to the one with the most content.

Yes, you have missed something:

equal height columns with pure CSS:

there are more links I could give you to older methods, but this is
the *holy grail* of CSS columns. Anyone who hasn't seen this should.

Thanks for the info, but reading the implementation of the technique reveals it is rife with "hacks", which so far I've managed to avoid in the sites I've designed. Given a choice of one table or hacks to do what one table already does, I'll stick with the one table.

If the current specs still have height issues for divs (which it seems they do), how can we be chastised for using a table to accomplish what can't be accomplished without resorting to javascript or "hacks" - it seems the lesser of the "evils".

As for more simply, just getting a container to contain floats:

I'm not having problems with floats.
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