Ah, yes, that's what I was trying to do. If I just install both I end
up getting plugins overlapping between installs, and can't run both at
once (I think because of the way it calls new windows?)



On 1/3/06, Patrick H. Lauke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Roberto Gorjão wrote:
> > To me it was enough to install different versions in different folders.
> > They work without problems or incompatibilities.
> In addition to that I would strongly recommend to set up separate
> profiles for each version, as otherwise you *will* end up with
> incompatibilities and general problems (this also holds true if you want
> to set up a mixed environment of various Mozilla Suite and Netscape
> browser versions).
> My usual setup: create a new folder for "Browser profiles" somewhere,
> then do a fresh install of all the various browser versions. Once
> installation is complete, *do not* start the browser by clicking on the
> icon (or by having the option to load it ticked at the end of the
> installer). Instead, open a command line, cd to the installation
> directory, and start it with the profile manager option, e.g.
> c:\program files\mozilla firefox 1.5\firefox -profilemanager
> Now, set up a new profile for each browser, and make sure that it's
> saved as a new sub-directory of your "Browser profiles" folder. I
> usually tend to name them after their relevant browser version.
> Also, make sure to check the option in the manager to show it at
> startup, otherwise there is a risk that your latest profile is used,
> regardless of which browser you're starting.
> Hope this made some sense,
> P
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