On 11/01/06, Thomas Livingston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Jan 9, 2006, at 5:25 PM, Seona Bellamy wrote:

Can anyone who is running a larger resolution than 1024x768 please have a look and tell me if the layout is holding up?

Sorry no time to peek, but I am using this on a current project...

#sizer {width:_expression_(document.body.clientWidth > 1554 ? "402px" : "75%" );}

Works great for us...

Thanks for that, Tom. It's certainly better than what I had, in that it looks a bit more reasonable from a logic point of view, but I'm finding it's just a touch too narrow. As a result, the last button of my main navigation is dropping down to the next line.

I would prefer not to have to fiddle with the proportions of the buttons just for IE, so would it be possible for someone to translate that _expression_ into plain english for me so I can fiddle with the numbers instead? I don't understand what they're all doing, so it's difficult to know where to make the changes I need.



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