Thank you.

Patrick H. Lauke wrote:
dszady wrote:

I also remember a post saying not to use the two elements but it didn't mention why.

In my opinion, sub and sup have a primarily visual/presentational nature, rather than a semantic one. I'm still puzzled as to why they're still included in the specs, which does nothing to clarify the *meaning* of superscript and subscript...only their visual rendering.

Even the three examples given are flawed, IMHO: the first two should arguably not be marked up in HTML at all, but via a more appropriate (though admittedly not universally supported) one like CML and MathML, respectively; the third is also just a matter of presentation, and could possibly be marked up a lot better via

<abbr title="Mademoiselle" lang="fr">M<span>lle</span></abbr> (with an appropriate style defined for the span to make it visually render as superscript).

It's the same as bold and italic still being included in the spec...


°¿° dszady; a.k.a. Daryl A. Szady
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