Heres another link that might help,

On 1/15/06, Rob Mientjes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 15/01/06, Bruce <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The simplebits is very interesting. But it seems angled images in a list
> that change aren't do-able using CSS without tables and some kind of image
> replacement technique. A pic is worth a thousand words so I have made a link
> to the mockup with a menu item hi-lited.:
> Personally I don't think this can be done, but I'm an amature,

With image replacement and some smart positioning, I do think it _can_
be done. Stu has some nice examples of the outrageousness we can
produce with CSS at  Do give it a shot, and if
it won't work out, ask on this list again for support. I'm sure many
will be able to help you out.


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