Well... I agree, that the proposed markup-structure would be
semantically most correct:

  <li>Item 1
      <li>Item 1.1

But can you imagine working with that sort of list in a browser
where stylesheets aren't available? For example in Lynx it would
look something like the following:

    1. Fruits
          + Add
          + Edit
          + Delete
         1. Apple
               o Add
               o Edit
               o Delete
         2. Orange
               o Add
               o Edit
               o Delete
         3. Lemon
               o Add
               o Edit
               o Delete
    2. Vegetables
          + Add
          + Edit
          + Delete
         1. Carrot
               o Add
               o Edit
               o Delete

If this web page is meant to be used mainly for adding, editing
and deleting, then it's one quite uncomfortable user experience
at least. (There are 6 items in the list above - imagine 60!!!)

Whats so wrong with using good-old table... (skipped summary attribute
and possibly more, that should be added):

<tr><th>Fruits</th>     <td>Add</td> <td>Edit</td> <td>Delete</td></tr>
<tr><th>Apple</th>      <td>Add</td> <td>Edit</td> <td>Delete</td></tr>
<tr><th>Orange</th>     <td>Add</td> <td>Edit</td> <td>Delete</td></tr>
<tr><th>Lemon</th>      <td>Add</td> <td>Edit</td> <td>Delete</td></tr>
<tr><th>Vegetables</th> <td>Add</td> <td>Edit</td> <td>Delete</td></tr>
<tr><th>Carrot</th>     <td>Add</td> <td>Edit</td> <td>Delete</td></tr>

Well you need to maintain the hierarchy... so... what if you just add
some extra hierarchical information:

<tr><th><span>Fruits > </span>Apple</th>...
<tr><th><span>Fruits > </span>Orange</th>...
<tr><th><span>Fruits > </span>Lemon</th>...

The result in Lynx would:

         Fruits        Add Edit Delete
     Fruits > Apple    Add Edit Delete
     Fruits > Orange   Add Edit Delete
     Fruits > Lemon    Add Edit Delete
       Vegetables      Add Edit Delete
   Vegetables > Carrot Add Edit Delete

Well.. at least what I think.

Rene Saarsoo

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