> -----Original Message-----
> From: Christian Montoya [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, 1 February 2006 5:22 PM

> On 1/31/06, Lachlan Hardy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I also appreciate that changing 6 or 8 or 10 years of 
> coding practice
> > and philosophy of web development is incredibly difficult
> Just wanted to come back to this...
> Let's not defend the hermit. If your practice has not changed in 6
> years, that's not good. Sure, it's hard to change something that
> hasn't changed in 6 years, but nothing should be so solid in the first
> place.
> And if your habits haven't changed in 10 years, then would you even be
> making any money? Isn't the web only 12 years old?

Christian, Let's not go here. Let's just keep this positive?

Just do the best you can, focus on doing good work and spreading the word.

There's no need to judge people. Everyone has a choice to work the way they
want to. It may not be the best, or your way, but you don't know their
reasons and they may be trying their best. If not, at least it's less
competition for you! :)

Cheers / Lisa

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