Yes, but can you use an anchor fragment to link to a point in an
Acrobat document?

The other thing is why would we even bother with that when we have
hypertext? On one site I did recently, the client wanted a PDF
brochure with _identical_ information to what was in hypertext
included. The PDF brochure in question was some non-standard size, so
people couldn't even print it, yet the client wanted it there
(probably because they'd paid some designer too much money for it).
It's useless content, and it's achieved easier and better with
hypertext. Why?

I do see PDF's applications (disseminating print documents that
universally render the same -- though they don't ALWAYS look the same,
but we won't go there), just not as a markup replacement.

Felix's link to Alertbox is great, btw...

On 2/3/06, Ray Cauchi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  At 10:47 PM 3/02/2006, Stephen Stagg wrote:
> PDF content rarely has the _behaviour_ of a web page
>  (rich hyperlink structures/inbound/outbound links, etc)
>  PDF's can and do contain hyperlinks and bookmarks, whether made in Acrobat
> or dynamically generated via PHP et al...
>  Best Regards
>  Ray Cauchi
>  Manager/Lead Developer
>  ( T W E E K ! )
>  PO Box 15
>  Wentworth Falls
>  NSW Australia 2782
>  | p:    +61 2 4757 1600
>  | f:    +61 2 4757 3808
>  | m:    0414 270 400
>  | e:    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  | w:
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