On 2/4/06, kvnmcwebn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Well someone here (no names :)  told me a while back that
> the *hmtl hack was ie future proof so maybe not.

Well, it is. It's not going to affect any more versions of Internet
Explorer (this has been known for some time now), hence any rules you
put into that are isolated and can only affect past versions of the
browser. THAT hack is future proof, what you put IN that hack may or
may not be future proof depending on how IE's CSS support evolves. At
present, it seems to be shaping up pretty well (far better than I'd
anticipated...), so we hopefully won't even need hacks/conditional
comments 99% of the time once it hits final!

Obviously, keep reporting bugs. Far better we complain lots and loudly
now so the IE team know about CSS issues that continue to plague IE's
engine than be stuck waiting until IE8 in 2015 or whenever it will be!

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