> Without wanting to unleash too many ponies, I would be interested to know why
> using 0(px | em | %) is so much of a standards blunder.  I'm sure there some
> obvious answer but for the life of me, I can't think of one :).

It's definitely not a standards blunder to add units to a "0" value, just
unnecessary. But don¹t take my word for it... Here is a range of others who
have already said it more (or less) eloquently:

"Specify units for numerical, non-zero values: CSS requires that units are
specified for properties like width, height, and font-size. An exception
from this is when the value is 0 (zero). In that case, no unit is necessary,
since zero is zero, no matter what the unit is."

"When a value is zero, you do not need to state a unit. For example, if you
wanted to specify no border, it would be border: 0."

"Note that the zero sized margin is defined as 0, because when any value is
zero it doesn't matter what unit you use. A zero amount of any unit (px, em,
%, etc.) is equal to a zero amount of any other unit."

"If we want to set a margin or padding to zero, we don't need to include a
unit (zero of any unit is always the same!)"

"You must specify a unit unless the value is zero, in which case no unit
should be given. 0px is the same as 0em so units are meaningless for zero
values. Write 0 on its own instead."

"The only time it's ok to leave out a unit is when you're setting something
to zero. padding: 0; is a valid declaration, as zero is zero no matter which
way you slice it."

"Zero is always zero regardless of whether it's 0px, 0em, 0cm etc.. so no
units are required when specifying 0.
- exception: using color notation in rgb format: e.g. rgb(0%, 0%, 0%)"


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