i might leave this site the way it is but on my next site i will try and
implement a font size adjuster.

If you provide the user with a Javascript pop-up window that they
> > right-click to display a pretty flash-based font-increasing
> app, the user
> > could increase the font as much as they like.
> >
> > It's known as the 'Clydesdale Hack'.

can you give me an example of the this?...it sounds like this would be a
tough nut to crack for me.

are there other recommended options for a font "volume" controller,
swicthing style sheets/skins  etc..

 i dont want my designs to look crappy but i personally  always up the text
a couple sizes for easier reading using command +- in ff.

would be cool to implement something that allowed users to do the same in


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