On 24/02/2006, at 5:29 PM, Lachlan Hunt wrote:

SunUp wrote:

I will certainly never go higher.

I wouldn't say never, I expect that the minimum resolution of newer operating systems to increase from 800x600 to 1024x768 in the near future. It already went from 640x480 to 800x600 with WinXP (at least on devices that support it).

This is even more so when actually working with Windows 2003 Server - the dialogue boxes used for configuration do not fit on 800 x 600 screen sizes. It is very hard to click on the "OK" buttons when they are not on the screen ;-) You can't even move the dialogue boxes upwards because the tool bar is off the top of the screen.

Reader beware <pony>

IMHO, this debate comes down to user's computer knowledge (and this is the teacher's fault not the user's), just because you use higher resolutions doesn't mean you have smaller text. There are default settings to change the font sizes to Large and Extra Large - in Windows, right click on the desktop, select Properties, select Appearance, then select the font size for the theme (bottom drop down list). (This should be close - sorry, I'm sitting at my G4 Mac with a 19" screen). This is something that very few people are taught, and I have taught computing at TAFE NSW for over seven years now. Everyone knows how to change the resolution, but in reality they only need to change the text size to have the best of both worlds - more information on the screen and smoother, larger text sizes. You can also do some very advanced tuning - setting minimum font sizes in your browser, e-mail client, etc to make life easier in front of a computer screen. And this doesn't even start with the accessibility features built into every operating system today.

</pony> ;-)

Steve Olive
Bathurst Computer Solutions
Web: www.bathurstcomputers.com.au
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