Hi folks,

I hereby publicly declare that my days of complaining to website
authors that I cannot view their site at 800x600, and then opening my
big mouth about other dubious issues I notice on their site, are now

I dropped a line to my ISP (ostensibly to enquire about my account)
and mentioned I could not find certain information on their website
(and suggested it might be a usability issue), that the horizontal
scrolling was giving me RSI (joke), commented on their massive use of
javascript in the <head>, and their use of CSS in the <head>, and for
good measure commented on some validation issues (missing alt text, no
closing <td>s etc). I have been soundly trounced and put back in my

When I could not find what I was looking for I was told:
"I recommend that this issue in this case has not been a usability
issue but instead
has been a logic issue on the clients side, and I would recommend that
you re-attend
year 10-12 english classes in order to know this in future cases."

When I complained about horizontal scrolling I was told:
"I would recommend that you take a look around the real world, not
just your own room and classroom, and see that these days even seniors
are using the resolution of 1024x768. And from a design standpoint,
fixed width is definitely a good idea, due to the complexities that
arise from fluid layouts. And you do have a choice, you have the
choice of increasing your resolution, or alternatively to scrolls when
you want to see anything to the left or down on the website. To the
best of my abililty that looks like a choice, albiet one that you may
not enjoy. But then again, I am sure the world does not revolve around

When I commented on the huge amount of javascript in the <head> I was told:
"unobtrussive javascript does not work on a number of browsers short
of the newest, and as such, since [our] site was designed to cater to
the widest audience possible, inline javascript was deemed necessary
to perform the tasks that were required in these cases."

Javascript pulled from linked files doesn't work in some browsers?

As for the CSS that was in the <head> (body
"CSS was actually designed to be part of the header. It is only since
that point that separate CSS files have been designed to store this
layout information. While myself, I prefer to have the CSS file
seperated out from the rest of the code, as this makes for a more
efficient and clean source code file, it is by no means required, and
it is definitely not the whole point of CSS, but simply a very useful
".. could not be solved with a simple margin:0 as you have stated,
which is only the newest standard in relation to this issue, but which
does not resolve the issue in the browsers that this code is targetted
at. It also does not render correctly in most older browsers due to
the fact that it is a newer standard."

CSS was designed to be part of the head?
margin:0; is "new" and won't work for some browsers?

As to validation:
"the W3C are self-appointed, and the standards they impose are
self-regulated and are only recommended standards. Additionally, our
developers are well acquiantted with the W3C, however, they are also
well aware of when it is necessary to break these standards in order
to create efficient, less bandwidth code."

My own fault, I asked for it, obviously.
I will now be a "good little backyard hobbyist web-designer" as they
called me (actually, it's my day job too), and never mention standards

Just thought I'd share. Sorry if this is list clutter.

(not so) sunny
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