Kat wrote:


I find this list filled with dynamic, inspirational people. I come away being motivated and energised. I love youse guys. :)

Today, I came across AIMIA (Australian Interactive Media Industry Association - http://www.aimia.com.au/) that are having their 12th Annual AIMIA awards. Is anyone a member of this group? Does anyone know anything about them? Is anyone a finalist?

Used to be a member when it first formed. Went to the first conference way back in the early 90's. It was quite good actually, very interesting discussions, very informative on many levels. But after that, I didn't find any reason to follow up on it. Taken a look from time to time, and find the web standards based community much more interesting, informative, and addressing the issues I'm focused on. But like a lot of things, I may have missed a lot of good things going on over there just because they dropped out of my focus. Only have two eyes, hands, etc.

I had a look at some of the finalists and although they seem to require WCAG Priority 1 Accessibility, to reach that, don't your websites need to actually validate (at least some of their finalists don't)? Have I misunderstood?

Valid documents is a P2 checkpoint - http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG10/wai-pageauth.html#tech-identify-grammar

I rather think it's a good idea - but I think it misses a certain something (tableless design, validation, accessibility, etc). There are so many designers/developers on this list (and elsewhere) doing so many amazing things - why don't they ever get recognised for the good things they do? They deserve it more!! Would there be a way to give them the recognition they deserve?


If WSG members contribute to it, great, but does it provide value for membership? http://www.aimia.com.au/i-cms?page=1.3.329.8

The discussion list for  http://webstandardsgroup.org/

See http://webstandardsgroup.org/mail/guidelines.cfm
for some hints on posting to the list & getting help

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