On 3/1/06, Joshua Street <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Slightly peeved that Microsoft's patent violation ages ago means that
> we [may] now have to make changes en-mass to keep websites
> functioning, and extend browser discrepancies in implementations of
> certain features even further than at present... but maybe I've just
> completely misunderstood this. Anyone?

It's only to do with controls that the user interactcs with, whether
by mouse or keyboard or perhaps some other input device, and only
requires a click/keypress/other to transparently "activate" the
control, which is what you would do anyway when you go to use it.

Adobe/Macromedia have also published a response:
On that page, see the link "View demo > Viewing Flash Files in
Internet Explorer"
The annoying part is that it actually outlines the element until
you've clicked on it. However, the page also says:

"In the coming weeks, Adobe expects to make available alternate
solutions to Microsoft's script-based technique to help make it easier
for developers who use active content prepare for the expected changes
to Internet Explorer.  Please check back on the Active Content
Developer Center for more information."

I do believe that it will only outline ActiveX controls that the user
can interact with, but I can't be sure whether that includes all Flash
or not, even when the movie doesn't accept user input.

I'd be interested to hear from anyone that installs it. For now I'm
just going to wait it out until it appears on our SUS servers at work

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