On 06/03/13 21:35 Paula Petrik apparently typed:

When I read the W3C specs (not the most riveting exercise on the planet), it seems that the developers emphasize absolute positioning. For example, they describe using floats to float small bits of text or images. It seems, however, that floats have become the order of the day. Rather than small bits, whole parts of designs are floated about. Was this the W3C's intent? Or, have floats become the modern equivalent of tables? Is there some reason why absolute positioning has fallen by the wayside? CSS-Discuss's wiki describes absolute positioning as capable of "simple designs"; yet, a significant proportion of csszengarden designs are absolutely positioned, and I wouldn't term them simple. Just wondering what the current wisdom is on this issue.

The author here is the lead layout developer in the Mozilla project: http://dbaron.org/log/2005-12#e20051228a
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