Joseph R. B. Taylor wrote:

Greetings Friends,

A topic I haven't seen posted here yet, that I feel is relevant when it comes to working to have a standard way of doing things.

When it comes to website directory structure, I'm curious to know how you gurus out there set up yours.

I myself, have been using this set up:

root web folder
etc, etc

Recently I was hired to do some cleanup on a site I hadn't built and the directory was set up like:

root web folder
etc, etc

Looking at these two layouts, I first notice that the 2nd layout has multiple images folders, one for each page in fact. This sort of organizes the images better, but now there's images all over the place.

How do YOU set up your directories?

Hi Joseph,

I was nearly not going to reply to this as I am not a guru of any type or qualification, so I didn't think it was addressed to me, but here is a non guru reply;

I think that before you address this as a basic design issue, you need to look at the web site as a whole, what is it, how how it may possibly evolve, who contributes to the content, how are users managed, how is the web site categorised into topics, and all the rest of it. Once you have done that you may find A may be more appropriate than B or visa versa. For instance, if you have a lot of groups contributing content, then B may be a better way of managing the user permissions, it may also allow a section to be moved more easily or run and developed on a local file system, whereas A and modifications of A may be more suited to a smaller (even a large) site that do not require complex content management rules.

I also would like to be able to discuss usability issues with standards based developers on this list, but maybe that is a topic for another list or forum.

Geoff Deering
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