I've just blown some time trying to debug my CSS as rendered by IE6, finally discovering that the problem had nothing to do with CSS.

In Windows IE, a forward-slash (virgule) that follows whitespace suppresses word wrap:

It's only these Windows IE-class browsers that share this peculiarity:
- IE 5.0
- IE 5.5
- IE 6.0
- IE 7.0
- AOL 9.0

Solutions: I haven't found a way to negate the effect. The CSS rule {white-space: normal} does not override it, nor does using the HTML entity /

Workarounds: Preceding the slash with a BR tag works, of course, but I haven't yet found anything else.

Your suggestions are welcome.

I'm croggled that I've never stumbled on this before. I haven't found any reference to it on the net.

Is it a bug or could Microsoft possibly consider it a feature?

This may be a trivial point, but it hung me up for a while because I couldn't believe it wasn't my CSS that was causing a text box to exceed its styled width in IE. The client's text I was marking up separated two words with a space and a forward-slash. Fortunately this character sequence is highly unusual.


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