I have built a standard form with a list of options using radio buttons.

The form is for internal use only but I still want to maintain standards and accessibility.

To improve the look of it for the client I have added some javascript which hides the buttons and uses onclick events on the labels so that the submit button doesn't need to be clicked.

This works fine on Firefox but does not work on IE with javascript enabled.

I did a search and found that there may be a conflict where there is a document.submit and a submit button in the html.

I tried removing the submit button using the DOM but that has no effect.

I was rather pleased to get this working on Firefox as its my first attempt at completely separating scripting and html.

Can anyone shed any light on this?

See code below.


window.onload = initElement

function initElement() {
   var inputs,i;
   if (document.library_form) {
        for(i=0;i<inputs.length;i++) {
            inputs[i].style.display = 'none'
            inputs[i].onclick = function() { submitform(); return false }
       n = i - 1
       o = document.getElementById('library_form')
       p = o.getElementsByTagName('div')[n]

function submitform() {


Kind Regards
Chris Price



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