I should have said that laws apply to new kids on the block in theory.

The Australian 1992 Disability Discrimination Act is a fairytale. Australian Law is Absolute fiction and un-enforced. State laws like Victorian standards are laughable. For example, Victorian Premier Bracks website, has a contempt for standards and the Premier has a censorsship approach to criticism. We don't even have a Westminster democracy in Victoria, web standards are completely irrevelant to the government.


Try making a complaint to HREOC about any Aust gov website, I have. You will get no-where. HREOC will ask AGIMO for advice and AGIMO will say that any government site is "near enough". But Gary Nairn special minister of state said "Australia is a leader in e-government" Rubbish.

Only in the UK it seems there is some action for standards compliance mainly from the RNIB or maybe the Target case in the USA.

So in theory laws only apply to new kids on the block in the UK and maybe large corporations in the USA

In practice US and Australian laws are platitudes.


On 10/03/2007, at 12:55 AM, Raena Jackson Armitage wrote:

On 3/9/07, Tim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I hope you're not thinking of Australian law, Tim.

For example, televison broadcasters in Australia are in fact required to caption and had to *apply for* an exemption from liability on the proviso that they improve it.

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