Hello all -


I've created a pretty basic horizontal nav bar using a UL and in-line LI's.
The only twist to this is that this design calls for a rather tall nav bar
with right-borders (on the LIs) which span the height of the UL.


To accomplish this, I've had to put the same amount of top and bottom
padding on BOTH the UL and the LI's - the same amount of padding on the LI's
so that the right borders would span the height of the UL. Looks to spec in
FF, NN, Opera and IE6.


So, what's the problem?


I'm just not comfortable with the way I've achieved this (same padding on
both ULs and LI's) I can't imagine this is the ***correct*** way to
accomplish this and would really appreciate anyone's guidance.


The basic CSS for this is shown below:


#navTop {

            padding-left: 5px;

            padding-top: 5px;

            padding-bottom: 21px;

            background-color: #00CC00;

            font-weight: bold;

            font-size: 0.70em;



#navTop li {

            display: inline;

            border-right: 1px solid white;

            padding-top: 5px;

            padding-bottom: 21px;

            padding-right: 26px;

            padding-left: 10px;



#navTop li.noPad {

            padding-left: 0;



To see it "live" go here: http://www.x7m.us/_problems/test.htm


Thanks to all in advance!






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