
Thanks for the information.

Yes, I have an idea, but never having seen any of the devices people talk about here, I often have doubts about what I think I have understood.

Bob Schwartz wrote:

Do database driven, dynamically created asp pages pass muster for accessibility?

What makes a site accessible? Being on this list, you surely have some idea of the answer. But to help, some of the key things are:

- it has semantic, well-structured HTML
- in particular in uses headings well, it marks up forms and data- tables with appropriate accessibility features and it validates (or mostly validates) - it provides options for users to "jump" to parts of a page eg navigation, content(ie, they don't have to tab through endless links)

Note that nowhere in there does it mention asp. Or in fact any server-side programming/scripting language. In terms of accessibility, what matters is what's outputted to the browser (user agent), not what language the backend is written and developed in.

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