Sarah Peeke wrote:
When I resize <> to 800x600 the H3 heading *Featured
Advertisers* (third heading on page content) floats right.

There is a nice, easy fix to this Sarah. It looks like the problem you
are having is that the 3 three divs above it are floated. When you
float elements like this they behave a bit like (but not exactly like)
inline elements. Content after them doesn't treat them like you would
expect with block level elements, and will try and fit in to any gaps
that are left after the floats are positioned.

In this situation, at most resolutions the divs are all the same
height, and so the next available gap for the h3 is below them. At the
800x600 resolution the middle div has a larger height due to the
content, which leaves a small gap  below the right hand div for the h3
to squeeze in to, which makes it look like it has been floated right.

All you need to do is add a clear: left; rule to the style of the h3,
or even better apply a self clearing float method
( to a container
of the three divs. This means that you can put anything after the
floats (and not just a specific h3) and it will appear below them.


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